Leroy Mapp
Leroy Mapp, a crime procedural comedy that promises to entertain audiences everywhere. Our team provided the creative services and technical expertise necessary for the development and production of this exciting project.
Our latest project, featuring a Robin bird character, showcases our expertise from 3D bird designing to compositing to animation of the action. Explore our projects below to see how Kalaaj can help bring your ideas to life.
Recently, we completed a project using a Title Treatment with light streak animation that added a dynamic and compelling element to the overall design. See more of our recent projects below.
Good Guy with a Pun
A short film about former 90’s sitcom star Billy Brown, is an example of our commitment to excellence. We provide a range of services including VFX, sound design, and color grading to create engaging visual experiences. Learn more about our projects and services on our website.
Kalaaj's latest project is a thrilling anime-style epic set in a post-internet world, following a father and son as they venture through the chaotic Earth in search of humanity's last hope. Our team has poured their heart and soul into bringing this intricate and captivating story to life. Witness the stunning visuals and compelling story of our latest project, and immerse yourself in the world of Kalaaj.
Little Village
Discover the amazing story of Julio and Cesar Reyes, brothers who inherited the most popular tienda in their neighborhood, La Villita. Kalaaj Productions has brought this heartwarming story to life, showcasing the challenges of working together and raising a family, all under one roof.